Quantitative Models of Social-Ecological Systems


Subtle global bifurcation with dramatic ecological consequences in a simple population model

This model presents an example of a global bifurcation (a heteroclinic connection). The model is a three-dimensional system with two resources and a single consumer, where one of the resources is fixed and the other is reproductive. By assuming that, for all values of resource consumers (C) below its carrying capacity (K), the fixed resource facilitates the consumption of the reproductive resource, the system can be reduced to a two-dimensional system. The reference article, Vandermeer and King...
09 Aug 2016

The inevitability of surprise in agroecosystems

This is a simple model of competition between noxious and benigne weeds in an agroecosystem based on predator-prey dynamics. The interesting aspect of this model is that it demonstrates the inevitability of surprises in system behavior - meaning that for some systems, early warning signals (e.g, increased variance or autocorrelatin) are almost non-existent prior to critical transitions in systems. The reference article, Vandermeer (2011), gives the following overview. "Many critical...
09 Aug 2016

The Discrete Logistic

The logistic is the simplest representation of population dynamics  that contains a minimum level of biological realism.  If we imagine a  population of individuals at time t, the number of individuals in the next period (periods can range from seconds to days to decades depending on the organism) is the number of individuals now plus the number of births minus the number of deaths.  If we assume in the simplest case there are no environmental constraints on births or deaths...
09 Aug 2016