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Displaying 31 - 33 of 33 records found.

Parwara Van Panchayat Forest

Parwara is located in the Nainital district of Uttarakhand, India and forests comprise broad-leaved species such as oak. Resources appropriated from the Parwara forests are timber, grass, and leaves. The authors Vishwa Ballabh and Katar Singh, first visited Parwara in 1988 to evaluate the factors that enabled collective action by the panchayat. Based on the initial assessment from a Social-Ecological Sytems (SES) perspective in 1988, the Panchayat was considered successful in managing...
09 Aug 2016

Irrigation watercourse, "Area Four", Taiwan

The resource appropriated from this watercourse in Area Four (actual names of communities removed in case study) is water for irrigation. At the beginning of the study, the authors describe a moderate shortage of biological and physical resources withdrawn compared to the number of units available. Area Four has irrigation associations run by full-time officials, although there used to be farmers' representative committees, but at the time of the study they were temporarily suspended. There are...
09 Aug 2016

Gageo-do (Kagodo) Island myok grounds, South Korea

This case was part of the original CPR database developed in the 1980s by Edella Schlager and Shui Yan Tang at Indiana University.Seaweed is the resource appropriated from the Kagodo myok grounds. It is harvested from the area surrounding the isolated island of Kagodo, off the southwest coast of Korea. The people collectively own the seaweed grounds and one member from each household can access the grounds. The author discusses three fishing villages and the differences among them in the...
09 Aug 2016