Co-Mgmt of Common Property Resources: A Case Study of Supra-Nat'l, Nat'l and Sub-Nat'l Institutions in Fisheries Mgmt Chilika Lake, Orissa, India. Survival of the Commons: Mounting Challenges and New Realities.
Displaying 196 - 210 of 378 records found.
A lack of institutional demand: Why a strong local community in Western Ecuador fails to protect its forest. People and Forests: Communities, Institutions, and Governance. :135-161.
Rules, rule making, and rule breaking: examining the fit between rule systems and resource use. Rules, games, and common-pool resources. :267-282.
Barabaig natural resource management. The World's Savannas: Economic Driving Forces, Ecological Constraints and Policy Options for Sustainable Land Use. :93-120.
The Dry and the Drier: Cooperation and Conflict in Moroccan Irrigation. Canals and Communities: Small scale irrigation systems. :69-87.
Exploring the Dynamics of Social-Ecological Systems: The Case of the Taos Valley Acequias. School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, USA.. PhD
Uso del agua de riego en el valle del guadalquivir: zonas del bembézar y de Fuente Palmera. La Gestión del Agua de Riego. :99-138.
American Lobster Stock Assessment Report for Peer Review. Stock Assessment Report.
Revisiting Maine’s Lobster Commons: Rescaling Political Subjects. International Journal of the Commons. 6:319-343.
Don't Fence Me In: Boundaries, Policy, and Deliberation in Maine's Lobster Commons. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 102:383-402.
Optimal intra-annual exploitation of the Maine lobster fishery. Land Economics. 87(4):699-711.
Planning for changing productivity and catchability in the Maine lobster fishery. Fisheries Research. 110(1):47-58.
Fisheries management in a changing climate: Lessons from the 2012 ocean heat wave in the Northwest Atlantic.. Oceanography. 26(2):191-195.