Model Description
This model is a very simple regional growth model with a single global externality.
#xppaut version of world-earth model. To run the model, download and install xppaut # from www.math.pitt.edu/~bard/xpp/xpp.html. Otherwise, porting to Julia or Python # should be straightforward. Note: because there are both quite fast and quite slow # dynamics in the model, a stiff ode integrator is advised (required). # ===================Human population subsystem======================================= # Human population is in billions. The parameters were fitted # using UN population scenarios. # Note: inter-regional migration is set to zero in this model version. par Kp1=1.5,Kp2=9.7,r1=0.038,r2=0.042 dP1/dt = r1*P1*(1-P1/Kp1) dP2/dt = r2*P2*(1-P2/Kp2) #===============End of Human population subsystem=============================== #================Economic Subsystem================================================ # First some parameter settings # total factor productivities for backstop technology number a1b=1, a2b=1 #Total factor productivities for industrial technology par a1=2.7,a2=1.7 # capital elasticities of output for each region: number alpha1=0.5, alpha2=0.5 # Then by definition, for Cobb-Douglass, constant returns to scale beta1=1-alpha1 beta2=1-alpha2 # social foundation for consumption. Note, backstop technology percapita output # is 1. If min_C is bigger than one, the population can't survive on the backstop # technology. par min_C=0.7 # Capital depreciation rates (delta) number delta1=0.05, delta2=0.05 # Now we can write the output for industrial production # note the max function just prevents K from going negative # purely a computational issue. Y1i = a1*(max(0,K1)**alpha1)*(P1**beta1) Y2i = a2*(max(0,K2)**alpha2)*(P2**beta2) # Backstop technology. This allows K to be completely destroyed, # but people can mobilize old, simple technology. We assume this # is fully labor based (same as setting alpha =1 in CB technology. Y1b = a1b*P1 Y2b = a2b*P2 #total domestic output: society chooses most productive technology # that is, "industrializes". First we need a threshold function. # Threshold function thr(x) = 1, x>0, 0, x<0 Use a rational power # function instead and force to be zero for negative argument # This acts like a 'smooth' max(x) function. # first define general form thr2(x,b,s) = if(x>0)then(x**s/(b**s + x**s))else(0) # Then set for actual parameters, b and S thr(x) = thr2(x,0.0001,5) #Switching functions (this generates a "smooth" ramp function): Y1ir = thr(Y1i - Y1b)*(Y1i-Y1b) Y2ir = thr(Y2i - Y2b)*(Y2i-Y2b) #Then total output can be written as Y1 = Y1b + Y1ir Y2 = Y2b + Y2ir # Note - output is measured in trillions of $$. # Carbon intensity of economic activites. # baseline emssions. eb < e1, e2 # express eb as a ratio of e1 for easy interpretation # that is, emission from background tehcnology are # for example, an order of magnitude smaller than # industrial tech. par eb1r = 0.1 #then eb = e1*eb1r # then "realized" emissions depend on which technology is # employed. e1r = thr(Y1b-Y1i)*eb + thr(Y1i - Y1b)*e1 e2r = thr(Y2b-Y2i)*eb + thr(Y2i - Y2b)*e2 #trade (transfers) # It is likely that trade depends on local information # and some desire for some bundle of goods from the other region.... Not sure # how to model this easily. #next step - make trade a function of min consumption. Also, do you make trade #decisions before or after investment decisions? trade12 = tau1*thr(Y1 - P1*min_C)*(Y1 - P1*min_C) trade21 = tau2*thr(Y2 - P2*min_C)*(Y2 - P2*min_C) # parameters for trade/transfer rate (0 <= tau <= 1) # set defaults to zero, and vary in model analysis. par tau1=0,tau2=0 # post-trade budgets: Z1 = Y1 - trade12 + trade21 Z2 = Y2 + trade12 - trade21 # savings fractions as a function of disposable income # disposable income (proportion above subsistence) note, min_C is per capita: DispI1=thr(Z1 - P1*min_C)*(Z1 - P1*min_C) DispI2= thr(Z2 - P2*min_C)*(Z2 - P2*min_C) #savings rates par s1=0.25, s2=0.21 #private investment proportion of disposable income I1 = s1*DispI1 I2 = s2*DispI2 #==================End of Economic Subsystem model======================== #===============Earth System model ======================================== # The main issue for the Earth system is to estimate the emmision # rates, e1 and e2 and uptake rate, u, and how the global externality # generates shocks to infrastructure. # First estimate emmision rates per gdp based on the current situation # e = average of 0.2 kg/$gdp and there is 1 ppm atmoshperic carbon # concentration per 2.1 Pg of carbon. # then e = 0.2 kg/$ = 0.2 kg x 10^12/$ x 10^12 = 0.2 Pg/TR$ * 1 ppm/2 Pg = 0.1 ppm/TR$. # So if we measure GDP in units of trillions of dollars (i.e. the model output of 5 = 5 TR$) # and G in hundereds of ppm, e.g. 4 = 400 ppm, then e = 0.001 100 ppm/TR$. That is, # e1 and e2 are on the order of 0.001. # A recalculation based on 40GT at global np = 80 trillion -> 0.5 gigatons/trillion $. #Nasa data -> 127 ppm/GT (easy calculation) 1ppm = 2.12 GT c x 3.66 t co2/c = 7.76 gt co2. # = 0.127 ppm/gt. So we have 0.5 GT/TR$ * 0.127 ppm/gt = 0.0635 ppm/TR$. #So we are measuring ppm in hecto-ppm or Hppm. #Thus, e1 = 0.0635 ppm/TR$ * 1 Hppm/100 ppm = 0.000635 Hppm/TR$ # these would be the parameter settings if the model is run without decarbonization # low par e1=0.0001, e2=0.0001, medium e1=e2=0.0004. #Note with decarbonization these parameter setting will become initial conditions # i.e. the baseline from which the decarbonization process begins. ### Decarbonization # e1 and e2 become functions of time or are differential # equations instead of being parameters. # de1/dt = -r_d1(function of income?)*e1 # de2/dt = -r_d2()*e2 # So, e1 and e2 obey simple odes with exponential decay. z is a Markov # variable that turns on decarobonization (represents a policy change # to begin decarbonization) at a certian level of the global # externality. It is zero until G>Tg (Tg = threshold to begin # decarbonization. de1/dt = -z*re1*e1 de2/dt = -z*re2*e2 markov z 2 {0} {if(G<Tg)then(0)else(1)} {0} {0} init z=0 # where re1 is the decarbonization rate (10% per year). par re1=0.1 #and the decarbonization rate in region 2 depends on inequality # turn on and off inequality with 'ineq' #Turn off and on whehter inequality affects decarbonization par ineqon=0 ineq=Z2*P1/(P2*Z1) re2= re1*(1-ineqon + ineqon*ineq) # set the level of G at which decarbonization begins. par Tg=20 # note initial conditions are the baseline estimates of carbon # intensity of the present industrial complex. init e1=0.0004,e2=0.0004 #What is u=?. Similar caluculation - from #https://science.sciencemag.org/content/363/6432/1193/tab-figures-data, ocean and # land have absored 280 Pg over 200 years or around 140 ppm over that period, so # u = 1.4/200*G. Take average G just to ballpark it of say 3, then u = 1.4/600 = 0.0025 par u=0.0025 # shock severity coefficients (note sigma has to be much larger for #noisy shocks. par sigma1=0.03, sigma21r=1 sigma2=sigma1*sigma21r # global irreversibility, note threshold at Go=4.5 seems empirically # grounded. Vary in analysis. par alpha=0.1, Go=20 #weiner processes for global externality weiner w1,w2 # set levels below which shocks have no impact par s1min=10,s2min=10 # turn on and off stochastic shocks. If discon=0, # damages increase smoothly with G as it surpasses # G1. If discon=1, damages are stochasitic. par discOn=0 par G1=5 #Damage functions dmg1 = sigma1*((1-discOn)*exp(G-G1) + discon*thr(G*(w1-s1min))) dmg2 = sigma2*((1-discOn)*exp(G-G1) + discon*thr(G*(w1-s2min))) #================End of Earth system model=================== #=================Full ODE Model============================ # Finally, the differential equations...... for 5 stocks of # built and natural infrastrcutures dK1/dt = I1 - delta1*K1 - dmg1*K1 dK2/dt = I2 - delta2*K2 - dmg2*K2 dG/dt = e1r*Y1 + e2r*Y2 -u* (G-2.8) + alpha*thr(G-Go) # set default initial conditions: init K1=0, K2=0,P1=0.24, P2=0.24 #Note, G = 2.8 at start of industrial revolution.... init G=2.8 #=============End ODE Model========================= #set a bunch of auxiliary variables for plotting..... #set scale on plot for atmospheric carbon... par carbscale=10 aux atmcarb = G*carbscale aux gdp1 = Y1 aux gdp1pc = Y1/P1 aux gdp2 = Y2 aux gdp2pc = Y2/P2 aux gni1 = Z1 aux gni1pc = Z1/P1 aux gni2 = Z2 aux gni2pc = Z2/P2 aux gnitot = Z1 + Z2 aux gdp1i = Y1i aux gdp1ir = Y1ir aux gdp1b = Y1b aux gdp2i = Y2i aux gdp2ir = Y2ir aux gdp2b = Y2b aux t12=trade12 aux t21-trade21 aux incineq = ineq aux em1 = e1r*Y1 aux em2 = e2r*Y2 aux e1rr = e1r aux e2rr = e2r #these are settings for xppaut - total time of integration #what to plot, and integration method (stiff). @ total=500, bounds=10000,yp=gni1,xp=t @ nplot=3 @ xp2=t,yp2=gni2 @ xp3=t,yp3=atmcarb @ xlo=0,xhi=500,ylo=0,yhi=100 @ meth=stiff done
Anderies JM, Arizona State University.