- Resource System
- Multispecies Coastal Fishery.
- Resource Units
- Spiny lobster; Conch; Scale Fish; Shrimp
- Location
- Ambergris Cay, Belize
San Pedro, Belize is an island village of approximately 1,200 residents in 1979. Located off the coast of Belize in a strategic place on Ambergris Cay it is close to abundant local fishing and has easy access to nearby commercial markets (Belize city, Corozal, and Chetumal). The fishing cooperative, Caribena Cooperative Limited, was San Pedro’s official fishing organization handling capture, processing and sale of the village’s primary resource: marine produce consisting of Spiny Lobster, Conch, Scale Fish, and Shrimp. The original case was studied from February 1977 to August 1979.
The key natural infrastructure in the system consists of open expanses of water around San Pedro and along the coastline, areas around the barrier reef, which is between 3/4 to 3 miles from San Pedro, and areas of water around several islands that are located beyond the barrier reef (between 30-120 miles further). The institutional boundary is natural and artificial including coastline and open expanses of water, as well as customs, and traditional usage. The key common pool natural infrastructure relevant to the commons dilemma is marine produce consisting primarily of Spiny Lobster, and also Conch, Scale Fish, and Shrimp. San Pedro fishery is an example of a struggling but a successful case study for institutional analysis which, require extensive collaborative work of the members in order to overcome market and public infrastructure challenges.
This case study is part of the original Common-Pool Resource (CPR) database. A summary of the original CPR coding conducted in the 1980s by Edella Schlager and Shui Yan Tang at Indiana University may be found under institutional analysis > CPR.
The San Pedro case study is closely related to another case in the SES Library titled "Caye Caulker Lobsterfishing." These two cases share overlpaing resource and poltical systems. See Related Studies and Models.
The resource appropriated from San Pedro Spiny Lobster Fishery is spiny lobster. The resource consists of open expanses of water around San Pedro and along the coastline, areas around the barrier reef which is between 3/4 to 3 miles from San Pedro, and areas of water around several islands which are located beyond the barrier reef. The boundary is natural and artifactual including coastline and open expanses of water, custom and traditional useage defines the boundaries.
Case: San Pedro Spiny Lobster Fishery, Belize
The information regarding the following common-pool resource system was taken from empirical evidence from a field setting. Data on the system was extracted from a thesis or dissertation. Currently, there are additional documents to cite which may provide further information about this common-pool resource.
These documents describe one resource in detail. The primary resource is the San Pedro Spiny Lobster Fishery, situated in San Pedro of Belize. More generally, it is located in South America. The system's sector is that of fisheries. Relatively good information has been collected about the stakes of participants who appropriate from San Pedro Spiny Lobster Fishery. The condition of this resource is well understood. Complete information is not available regarding the strategies used by key groups interacting with the system. There is thorough documentation of the operational rules for this resource. This is the result of a high level of confidence that the authors who recorded the features of San Pedro Spiny Lobster Fishery have a complete knowledge of its particulars. Furthermore, the authors have provided sufficient data to formulate a structured coding process.
The San Pedro Spiny Lobster Fishery covers an unknown area. There are 51-100 total appropriator teams appropriating from the resource . At the beginning of the period discussed by the authors, there was a moderately abundant supply of biological and physical resources withdrawn compared to the number of units available. Appropriator teams for the resource are sometimes formally organized.
The San Pedranos take spiny lobster, conch, and fish. They were not troubled by rent dissipation or assignment problems, but rather they faced a monopoly buyer for lobster. With some effort, they formed a successful co-op so that they could take competitive bids from buyers in the international market. Belize fishing co-ops are village-specific, and membership in a co-op is really the only way to succeed as a fisher. No areas of the nation's waters are closed to citizens by law or property rights, but custom does reserve "local" fishing grounds to the villages traditionally associated with them. "Equal" freedom of access thus excludes those with few financial resources, no social base in a fishing village, and hence no co-op membership. Gear placement, also traditional, can be inherited or is respected by others for the season; this forestalls encroaching but not poaching. Gordon uses this vignette of Belizean fishing life as the referent for a critique and discourse on theories of the processes and mechanisms of development, especially expansion by metropolitan capital into the periphery (or satellites) to expropriate its surplus. Belize, he postulates, is a case where capitalist penetration did not lead to capitalist development.
Gordon, Edmund T. (1981) "Phases of Development and Underdevelopment in a Caribbean Fishing Village: San Pedro, Belize." Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University. [ILL: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; MC SH2 microfische]
The resource appropriated from San Pedro Spiny Lobster Fishery is spiny lobster. It is produced biologically and is a renewable stationary unit. The resource consists of open expanses of water around San Pedro and along the coastline, areas around the barrier reef which is between 3/4 to 3 miles from San Pedro, and areas of water around several islands which are located beyond the barrier reef. The boundary is natural and artifactual including coastline and open expanses of water, custom and traditional useage defines the boundaries.
The boundary of this resource has natural/constructed and institutional arrangements which do not limit entry. The boundaries of this resource are smaller than the location, and exist in one country, and are not divided among multiple general purpose local jurisdictions at a single level. The boundaries of this resource are independent of a development project designed by non-residents.
There are distinct and stable micro-environmental or ecological zones within this resource (highly confident). The quality and/or quantity of units is regularly better in some of the zones than in others (highly confident). The case information did not indicate whether or not a variance in quality between zones has ever created conflict among appropriators.
There are natural barriers within the resource, and they coincide with microzones (inferred). There are not strategic points within the resource where the main flow of the spiny lobster can be controlled (inferred). There is considerable, and predictable variation over space in the availability of spiny lobster within the resource (inferred). There is considerable, and predictable variation in the flow of spiny lobster within a single year (inferred). There is considerable variation in the flow of spiny lobster from year to year (inferred).
The bottom topography of San Pedro Spiny Lobster Fishery is primarily rock (educated guess).
If no rules in use were being followed, the relationship among the appropriation processes would have little adverse effects (inferred).
The appropriation resources are situated in San Pedro, located on Ambergris Cay off of the northeast coast of Belize. The location includes the village of San Pedro, and its fishing grounds which include the stretch of ocean between it and the barrier reef and the area surrounding several islands beyond the reef including Turneffe Atoll, Half Moon Cay and Glovers reef. The boundaries of the location are natural and constructed including the boundaries of the village, expanses of open ocean and several islands. The appropriation resource present in this location consists of spiny lobster (coding), as well as conch, scale fish, and shrimp. Regarding the use of the irrigation system, there were few adverse affects throughout the entire period in the relationships among appropriation processes.
The system is located within one country. A permanent population lives year round in this location (highly confident). There is frequent contact and communication between people in this location and officials in a nearby administrative center (inferred). This location is also characterized by an economy that is changing and tied to other economic networks during the entire time period (confident).
The latitude of this location is not specified, and its longitude is not specified. The elevation of this location is 0 meters. The highest elevation is 0. The lowest elevation of this location is 0. The region's average annual rainfall is . The region's average annual evapotranspiration is . The distribution of rainfall and evapotranspiration per month is as follows:
January precipitation: N/A, evapotraspiration: N/A
February precipitation: N/A, evapotraspiration: N/A
March precipitation: N/A, evapotraspiration: N/A
April precipitation: N/A, evapotraspiration: N/A
May precipitation: N/A, evapotraspiration: N/A
June precipitation: N/A, evapotraspiration: N/A
July precipitation: N/A, evapotraspiration: N/A
August precipitation: N/A, evapotraspiration: N/A
September precipitation: N/A, evapotraspiration: N/A
October precipitation: N/A, evapotraspiration: N/A
November precipitation: N/A, evapotraspiration: N/A
December precipitation: N/A, evapotraspiration: N/A
The resource appropriated from San Pedro Spiny Lobster Fishery is spiny lobster. The resource consists of open expanses of water around San Pedro and along the coastline, areas around the barrier reef which is between 3/4 to 3 miles from San Pedro, and areas of water around several islands which are located beyond the barrier reef. The boundary is natural and artifactual including coastline and open expanses of water, custom and traditional useage defines the boundaries.
The processes described in the related documents are primarily related to appropriation and use. The formal owner(s) of the resource discussed in this study is a central government. The set of individuals who have rights to withdraw from this resource is well-defined. As of the beginning of this period, the owners are not exercising nor attempting to exercise closed access to this resource. Since the beginning of this period, the appropriators are exercising (or attempting to exercise de facto) closed access to this resource.
It is estimated that the operational level coded on this form ended in 0. The estimated duration of the patterns that are described in this form is 11 to 25 years. Throughout the duration there was change made primarily by the appropriators in operational, collective, or consititutional rules. There was no change in resource size or structure. There was no new technology introduced to the system over the duration of the patterns coded on this form. There was no substantial external change in the value of the units appropriated. The quantity of units available did not change due to a change in appropriation patterns of other appropriators' withdrawals from the same production or distribution resource. There were no new groups starting to withdraw units from the appropriation resource. There was no recorded change to one or more variables internal to the operational level. The variables that changed were -2. The author does not begin the description of this case at this point in history.
For biological resources at the beginning of this period, the balance between the quantity of units withdrawn and the number of units available was moderately abundant (educated guess). For biological resources at the end of this period, the balance between the quantity of units withdrawn and the number of units available was apparently balanced (educated guess). For physical resources at the beginning of this period, the balance between the quantity of units withdrawn and the quantity of units needed, given the usual patterns of use for these units was moderately abundant (educated guess). For physical resources at the end of the period the balance between the quantity of units withdrawn and the quantity of units needed, given the usual patterns of use for these units, was apparently balanced (educated guess).
The following includes the available statistics on the use of this resource at the beginning of the time period, followed by the end of the time period:
It is not indicated whether or not the units were sexually mature at this size or age at the beginning of this period. It is not indicated whether or not the units were sexually mature at this size or age at the end of this period.
*In fisheries and other biological systems, this is the maximum sustainable number of units. In irrigation, this refers to the optimal water requirements of the crops in the established fields served by this system.
At the beginning of the period, the units were predominantly sold in external markets, and also sold in local markets.
At the end of the period, the units were predominantly sold in external markets, and also sold in local markets.
As of the beginning of the period, the quality of the units being withdrawn from the resource was high (educated guess). As of the end of the period, the quality of the units being withdrawn from the resource was high (educated guess). At the beginning of the period of the study, there were no problems of pollution in this or other resources, due to the way units are being appropriated (inferred). At the end of the period of the study, there were no problems of pollution in this or other resources due to the way units are being appropriated (inferred). As of the beginning of the period, the extent of technical externalities resulting from the appropriation activities of participants from this resource was quite low (inferred). As of the end of the period, the extent of technical externalities resulting from the appropriation activities of participants from this resource was quite low (inferred). At the beginning of this study, the interference between the appropriation technology for this resource and the appropriation processes for other resources in this location was not recorded in the case information. At the end of this study, the interference between the appropriation technology for this resource and the appropriation processes for other resources in this location was not recorded in the case information. At the beginning of this period the appropriators shared modest levels of mutual trust (e.g. oral promises are used but appropriators may be uncertain about performance) (educated guess). At the end of the period the appropriators shared moderate to high levels of mutual trust (e.g. oral promises given high credence) (inferred). ## Unknown markup: Start ##By the end of this period no change had occurred in the property rights regime related to the appropriation resource (inferred). At the end of this period the owners were not exercising, nor attempting to exercise closed access to this resource (educated guess). At the end of the period the appropriators were exercising, or attempting to exercise, de facto closed access to this resource (educated guess).
There are no maps or charts of the appropriation resource for use by the appropriators (educated guess). Maps and/or charts of the appropriation resource do not differ from the production and distribution resource (highly confident). The appropriators of this resource can be seen by each other while withdrawing and delivering units (confident). No appropriators are in radio communication with each other while appropriating from the resource (inferred). There was no information provided to indicate whether or not there are actions being taken, by appropriators or officials, to generate information about the condition of the resource. There are always records of the withdrawals from this resource kept in a systematic way (highly confident). There was no information in the study about whether or not there are records of the physical factors which directly affected the resource kept in a systematic way. Records are kept in a language accessible to most of the appropriators (highly confident). The keepers of these records are officials at some level (highly confident). These records are available for inspection by appropriators (highly confident). There are arenas being used for the exchange of information about conditions of the resource (highly confident). Appropriators get together to discuss mutual problems of the resource daily (inferred). The appropriators have an intimate knowledge of the characteristics of this resource (inferred).
The quality or quantity of the units available to the appropriators are not adversely affected by the strategies of prior appropriators, because there are no prior appropriators (inferred). This study did not include information on whether or not there are problems of pollution resulting from activities of others who are not appropriators of this resource or inhabitants of this location (e.g. acid rain, sewage disposal). Most appropriators sell this resource in one market (inferred). There appears to be an insurance mechanism available to the appropriators related to variability of income from the resource (inferred).
Differences between subgroups relating to gender identification does not exist (highly confident). Differences between subgroups relating to ethnic identification does not affect communication (highly confident). Differences between subgroups relating to clan identification does not affect communication (highly confident). Differences between subgroups relating to racial identification does not affect communication (highly confident). Differences between subgroups relating to religious identification does not affect communication (highly confident). Differences between subgroups relating to languages spoken does not exist (highly confident). Differences between subgroups relating to general cultural views of the resource system and its use does not exist (highly confident). Differences between subgroups relating to any problems that affect communication does not exist (highly confident).
The general manner in which appropriators related to one another during this study is a relatively positive, reciprocal manner -- the presumption was made that long-term relationships are involved and positive actions are undertaken without a specific expectation of return (educated guess). The documents present evidence of specific types of cooperative activities between the appropriators related primarily to other local resources (educated guess).
At the end of the period studied the position of non-appropriator (individuals prevented from using the resource) did not exist (inferred). At the beginning of the period there was a general estimate of some undocumented number appropriators. There was a general estimate of 101-200 appropriators at the end of the period (confident). A general estimate of the number of participants in the team appropriation process was not included in the case study, at the beginning of the period. A general estimate of the number of participants in the team appropriation process was 201-500, at the end of the period (educated guess). The "official" position of monitor (apart from the willingness of all appropriators to monitor) is not described in detail in this case study.
The case study did not include information regarding whether or not the appropriators monitor the appropriation activities of each other apart from the monitoring of any "official" guards. The general estimate for the number of official monitors on duty at one time during peak hours was not included in this case study. The study did not indicate how many of the monitors were full-time.
There will be 2 subgroup form(s) completed in relation to this operational level form. The ID number(s) of the subgroup(s) coded are as follows: 80.1 - 81.1 - 0 - 0
Subgroups 80.1 and 81.1 differ in withdrawal rates from the resource.
Subgroups 80.1 and 81.1 do not differ in legal rights to appropriate units, in exposure to variations in supply, in levels of dependency on the units withdrawn from this resource, and in the way they use the appropriation units.
The study did not indicate whether or not there are appropriators who were consistently disadvantaged in this period. The study did not indicate whether or not the relatively worst off appropriators have or have not been cut out of their benefits from this resource or substantially harmed.
In this coding form the author focuses on the readers' concept of results and the evaluation of results (inferred).
The author's results indicated that the fishery is not as productive as it once was, but that it is not overfished either. Balance and cooperation were considered as parts of the cause. The author discusses withdrawals per unit of effort based on uses pounds caught per hour per boat to measure effort; effort has remained steady.
This appropriation group engages in day fishing within the barrier reef - they use different technologies and they only account for about 30% of the lobster harvested. The criteria for who is a member is well defined (inferred). . This group ended with a estimated membership of 51-100..
The following statements characterize the composition of this subgroup's population with respect to variables that may affect the capacity to communicate effectively:
Gender identification causes no difference in composition (highly confident). Difference in composition with regard to ethnic or cultural identification does not affect communication (highly confident). Most members of this subgroup are ethnically identified as mestizo. The difference in composition with regard to clan identification does not affect communication (highly confident). The difference in composition with regard to racial identification does not affect communication (highly confident). The difference in composition with regard to religious identification does not affect communication (highly confident). Most members of this subgroup are religiously identified as catholic. There is no difference in composition with regard to languages spoken (highly confident). The language spoken by most members of the subgroup is Spanish.
The appropriation process is organized as team process consisting of 31-45 teams.. The head of an appropriation team is based on extended family or clan relationships (educated guess).
Legal Rights:
Members of this subgroup have de jure rights of access (inferred). The right to withdraw is held by this subgroup de jure (inferred). Rights to participate in management of this resource is held de jure (inferred). Exclusion from use of the entire resource is exercised de facto (inferred). Members of this subgroup have de facto rights to decide who can be excluded from particular zones within the resource. (inferred). The separable right of transfer to the flow of units from this resource is not held either by de jure nor de facto (inferred). The separable rights to exercise transfer to shares of this appropriation resource, or closely related production and/or distribution resources are neither held de jure nor de facto (inferred). Transferring shares of major appropriation equipment which are necessary to engage in appropriation is not exercised either je jure nor de facto## Unknown column: EQUIPSHAR ##.
Stakes and Resources:
The length of time this subgroup has regularly appropriated from this resource is 51 through 75 years (educated guess). Around 91%-100% of members reside in or adjacent to this resource (confident). Given the assets of members, the capital required to set up an appropriation team does not place pressure upon the appropriators to get immediate returns from appropriation (educated guess). Most people in this subgroup are very dependent (i.e. most of the family income) on this resource (inferred). Around 91%-100% of this subgroup work a substantial amount of time in activities not associated with appropriation from this resource (confident). The proportion of this subgroup that currently appropriates similar units from other resources is less than 10% (inferred). Given the economy of the location, the average annual family income (including all non-monetary forms of income) is considered high (educated guess). The variance of the average annual family income across families is moderate (educated guess). Capital is owned by 91%-100% of this subgroup (confident). No real alternatives for the supply unit are available (confident).
Potential Actions and Levels of Control:
A noticeable impact on the balance of the quantity of units withdrawn and the number of units available in this resource would occur in a drastic reduction of this subgroup's appropriation activities (inferred). Keeping in mind the physically available levels of withdrawal that are possible from this resource, the following shows the extent to which rules concerning different aspects of withdrawal constrain appropriation: technological rules lightly constrain (educated guess), time limits which limit the range of choice moderately constrain (educated guess), quantity limits which limit the range of choice lightly constrain (educated guess), and marginal units or units obtained by increasing levels of appropriation have a moderate value immediate return (educated guess).
The most recent technological change experienced by this subgroup was 26-50 years ago (educated guess). Considering other technologies that have not changed, this technology has been in use for 201-300 years (educated guess). The appropriative power of the technology used does not threaten the balance between units withdrawn and units available even if no new users are added (educated guess).
Strategies Adopted:
At the beginning of the period the rate of unit withdrawals was accelerating (ambiguous). At the end of the period the rate of unit withdrawals was constant (educated guess). During this time period members have not invested resources, such as their own labor, in maintaining or improving the structure of the appropriation resource (educated guess). Members do not have access to an alternative source of supply (educated guess). In characterizing the usual behavior of the members of this subgroup with respect to local operation level rules-in-use (other than in extreme shortage), it can be said that almost all of the members follow the rules set in place (inferred). Action in the collective choice arena has been proposed to alter the operational or collective-choice rules affecting the appropriation from this resource (educated guess).
Subgroup Results:
This subgroup appropriates 26%-50% of its total appropriated units at the end of this period (inferred).
This subgroup engages in long distance fishing beyond the reef, it accounts for 70% of the lobster catch among San Pedro fishermen. The criteria for who is a member is well defined (inferred). . This group ended with a estimated membership of 101-200..
The following statements characterize the composition of this subgroup's population with respect to variables that may affect the capacity to communicate effectively:
Gender identification causes no difference in composition (highly confident). Difference in composition with regard to ethnic or cultural identification does not affect communication (highly confident). Most members of this subgroup are ethnically identified as mestizos. The difference in composition with regard to clan identification does not affect communication (highly confident). The difference in composition with regard to racial identification does not affect communication (highly confident). The difference in composition with regard to religious identification does not affect communication (highly confident). Most members of this subgroup are religiously identified as catholic. There is no difference in composition with regard to languages spoken (highly confident). The language spoken by most members of the subgroup is Spanish.
The appropriation process is organized as a team process consisting of 22 groups. The head of an appropriation team is based on extended family or clan relationships (inferred).
Legal Rights:
Members of this subgroup have de jure rights of access (inferred). The right to withdraw is held by this subgroup de jure (inferred). Rights to participate in management of this resource is held de jure (inferred). Exclusion from use of the entire resource is exercised de facto (inferred). Members of this subgroup have de facto rights to decide who can be excluded from particular zones within the resource. (inferred). The separable right of transfer to the flow of units from this resource is not held either by de jure nor de facto (inferred). The separable rights to exercise transfer to shares of this appropriation resource, or closely related production and/or distribution resources are neither held de jure nor de facto (inferred). Transferring shares of major appropriation equipment which are necessary to engage in appropriation is not exercised either je jure nor de facto## Unknown column: EQUIPSHAR ##.
Stakes and Resources:
The length of time this subgroup has regularly appropriated from this resource is 26 through 50 years (educated guess). Around 91%-100% of members reside in or adjacent to this resource (confident). Given the assets of members, the capital required to set up an appropriation team does not place pressure upon the appropriators to get immediate returns from appropriation (inferred). Most people in this subgroup are very dependent (i.e. most of the family income) on this resource (inferred). Around 91%-100% of this subgroup work a substantial amount of time in activities not associated with appropriation from this resource (confident). The proportion of this subgroup that currently appropriates similar units from other resources is less than 10% (inferred). Given the economy of the location, the average annual family income (including all non-monetary forms of income) is considered high (educated guess). The variance of the average annual family income across families is moderate (educated guess). Capital is owned by 91%-100% of this subgroup (confident). No real alternatives for the supply unit are available (confident).
Potential Actions and Levels of Control:
A noticeable impact on the balance of the quantity of units withdrawn and the number of units available in this resource would occur in a drastic reduction of this subgroup's appropriation activities (inferred). Keeping in mind the physically available levels of withdrawal that are possible from this resource, the following shows the extent to which rules concerning different aspects of withdrawal constrain appropriation: technological rules lightly constrain (educated guess), time limits which limit the range of choice moderately constrain (educated guess), quantity limits which limit the range of choice lightly constrain (educated guess), and marginal units or units obtained by increasing levels of appropriation have a moderate value immediate return (educated guess).
The most recent technological change experienced by this subgroup was 11-25 years ago (educated guess). Considering other technologies that have not changed, this technology has been in use for 26-50 years (educated guess). The appropriative power of the technology used does not threaten the balance between units withdrawn and units available even if no new users are added (educated guess).
Strategies Adopted:
At the beginning of the period the rate of unit withdrawals was accelerating (ambiguous). At the end of the period the rate of unit withdrawals was constant (educated guess). During this time period members have not invested resources, such as their own labor, in maintaining or improving the structure of the appropriation resource (educated guess). Members do not have access to an alternative source of supply (inferred). In characterizing the usual behavior of the members of this subgroup with respect to local operation level rules-in-use (other than in extreme shortage), it can be said that almost all of the members follow the rules set in place (inferred). Action in the collective choice arena has been proposed to alter the operational or collective-choice rules affecting the appropriation from this resource (educated guess).
Subgroup Results:
This subgroup appropriates 51%-75% of its total appropriated units at the end of this period (confident).
The resource appropriated from San Pedro Spiny Lobster Fishery is spiny lobster. The resource consists of open expanses of water around San Pedro and along the coastline, areas around the barrier reef which is between 3/4 to 3 miles from San Pedro, and areas of water around several islands which are located beyond the barrier reef. The boundary is natural and artifactual including coastline and open expanses of water, custom and traditional useage defines the boundaries.
Concerning national collective choice relating to the resource, the author provides a few detailed references to operational level rules as devised by national collective choice mechanisms which have been coded below. Concerning regional collective choice, there is no regional level of government with collective choice responsibilities.
With regard to local collective choice, a level of government or organization of appropriators exists at the location and the author provides a few detailed references about operational level rules as devised by collective choice mechanisms which have been coded below.
Boundary Rules
The following rules define the requirements that must be met before individuals are eligible to harvest or withdraw units from the appropriation resource.
The regional level(s) of government or organization does not exist.
A rule exists requiring citizenship of a country. This rule is enforced at the national, local, and rules-in-use level(s).
A rule exists requiring citizenship or residence of a local community. This rule is enforced at the local and rules-in-use level(s).
A rule exists requiring membership in an organization. This rule is enforced at the national, local, and rules-in-use level(s).
A rule exists requiring ownership of some other form of limited property related to the appropriation from the resource. This rule is enforced at the local and rules-in-use level(s).
A rule exists requiring an appropriator to be of a certain gender. This rule is enforced at the local and rules-in-use level(s).
A rule exists requiring ownership of shares in an organization. This rule is enforced at the national, local, and rules-in-use level(s).
There are no rules-in-use related to inheritance of entry rights.
The boundary rules do not assign substantially unequal privileges to some subgroups over others.
Authority and Scope Rules
The default conditions for both authority and scope rules do not apply.
The following paragraphs include information on rules of 1 cycle(s).
Authority Rules:
The regional level(s) of government or organization does not exist.
There is a rule requiring withdrawal only during specific seasons, set annually/periodically by an external public official. This rule is enforced at the national, local, and rules-in-use level(s), and is part of the most restrictive, regularly adopted/used set of rules.
The length of the withdrawing season is 36 week(s)..
There is a rule permitting withdrawal at specific locations or spots, based on the historical pattern of appropriation. This rule is enforced at the national level(s), and is part of the most restrictive, regularly adopted/used set of rules.
There is a rule requiring withdrawal at specific locations or spots, based on the historical pattern of appropriation. This rule is enforced at the local and rules-in-use level(s), and is part of the most restrictive, regularly adopted/used set of rules.
There is a rule requiring withdrawal units of a certain minimum size, set annually/periodically by an external public official. This rule is enforced at the national, local, and rules-in-use level(s), and is part of the most restrictive, regularly adopted/used set of rules.
The authority and scope rules do not assign substantially unequal privileges to some subgroups above others.
Scope Rules:
The regional level(s) of government or organization does not exist.
There is a rule requiring a periodically assessed appropriation tax, set annually/periodically by an external public official. This rule is enforced at the national, local, and rules-in-use level(s), and is part of the most restrictive, regularly adopted/used set of rules.
Authority and scope rules do not assign substantially unequal duties among subgroups.
Information Rules
There exists a rule requiring recording of the number of units withdrawn. This rule is enforced at the local and rules-in-use level(s).
This information was recorded by an AGO.
Payoff Rules
The default condition, that all appropriators can retain whatever they can physically keep hold of and no external rewards, taxes, or sanctions are imposed is not imposed in this case. The authors have the following confidence level for the results of this section: inferred. Appropriators can obtain external aid from a local (private or public) agency(s) to develop their appropriation technologies. Appropriators are party to price support contracts or guaranteed purchase agreements with a local (private or public) agency(s) for the selling of resource units or commodities produced by resource units. The payoff rules do not assign substantially unequal rewards to some subgroups than others. The payoff rules do not assign substantially unequal punishments to some subgroups than others.
There is a single arrangement by which the appropriation process is organized by teams.The following percentages indicate the percentages assigned to individual positions. If more than one percentage is listed per position, the individual percentages refer to the different arrangements existing within the operational rules.
Owner(s) - operators(s) of primary appropriation equipment:
Regular crew (each):
Aggregation Rules
Overall Questions About Rules Configuration
The general framework of the rules-in-use has governed the activities of this subgroup for 11 to 25 years.
Concerning national collective choice relating to the resource, the author provides a few detailed references to operational level rules as devised by national collective choice mechanisms which have been coded below. Concerning regional collective choice, there is no regional level of government with collective choice responsibilities.
With regard to local collective choice, a level of government or organization of appropriators exists at the location and the author provides a few detailed references about operational level rules as devised by collective choice mechanisms which have been coded below.
Boundary Rules
The following rules define the requirements that must be met before individuals are eligible to harvest or withdraw units from the appropriation resource.
The regional level(s) of government or organization does not exist.
A rule exists requiring citizenship of a country. This rule is enforced at the national, local, and rules-in-use level(s).
A rule exists requiring citizenship or residence of a local community. This rule is enforced at the local and rules-in-use level(s).
A rule exists permitting membership in an organization. This rule is enforced at the national level(s).
A rule exists requiring membership in an organization. This rule is enforced at the local and rules-in-use level(s).
A rule exists requiring ownership of some other form of limited property related to the appropriation from the resource. This rule is enforced at the local and rules-in-use level(s).
A rule exists requiring an appropriator to be of a certain gender. This rule is enforced at the local and rules-in-use level(s).
A rule exists permitting ownership of shares in an organization. This rule is enforced at the national level(s).
A rule exists requiring ownership of shares in an organization. This rule is enforced at the local and rules-in-use level(s).
Entry rights are transmitted for an entire household or production unit (such as a boat) from one generation to another.
The boundary rules do not assign substantially unequal privileges to some subgroups over others.
Authority and Scope Rules
The default conditions for both authority and scope rules do not apply.
The following paragraphs include information on rules of 1 cycle(s).
Authority Rules:
The regional level(s) of government or organization does not exist.
There is a rule requiring withdrawal only during specific seasons, set annually/periodically by an external public official. This rule is enforced at the national, local, and rules-in-use level(s), and is part of the most restrictive, regularly adopted/used set of rules.
The length of the withdrawing season is 36 week(s)..
There is a rule permitting withdrawal at specific locations or spots, based on the historical pattern of appropriation. This rule is enforced at the national level(s), and is part of the most restrictive, regularly adopted/used set of rules.
There is a rule requiring withdrawal at specific locations or spots, based on the historical pattern of appropriation. This rule is enforced at the local and rules-in-use level(s), and is part of the most restrictive, regularly adopted/used set of rules.
There is a rule requiring withdrawal units of a certain minimum size, set annually/periodically by an external public official. This rule is enforced at the national, local, and rules-in-use level(s), and is part of the most restrictive, regularly adopted/used set of rules.
The authority and scope rules do not assign substantially unequal privileges to some subgroups above others.
Scope Rules:
The regional level(s) of government or organization does not exist.
There is a rule requiring a periodically assessed appropriation tax, set annually/periodically by an external public official. This rule is enforced at the national, local, and rules-in-use level(s), and is part of the most restrictive, regularly adopted/used set of rules.
Authority and scope rules do not assign substantially unequal duties among subgroups.
Information Rules
There exists a rule requiring recording of the number of units withdrawn. This rule is enforced at the local and rules-in-use level(s).
This information was recorded by an AGO.
Payoff Rules
The default condition, that all appropriators can retain whatever they can physically keep hold of and no external rewards, taxes, or sanctions are imposed is not imposed in this case. The authors have the following confidence level for the results of this section: inferred. Appropriators can obtain external aid from a local (private or public) agency(s) to develop their appropriation technologies. Appropriators are party to price support contracts or guaranteed purchase agreements with a local (private or public) agency(s) for the selling of resource units or commodities produced by resource units. The payoff rules do not assign substantially unequal rewards to some subgroups than others. The payoff rules do not assign substantially unequal punishments to some subgroups than others.
There is a single arrangement by which the appropriation process is organized by teams.The following percentages indicate the percentages assigned to individual positions. If more than one percentage is listed per position, the individual percentages refer to the different arrangements existing within the operational rules.
Owner(s) - operators(s) of primary appropriation equipment:
Regular crew (each):
Aggregation Rules
Overall Questions About Rules Configuration
The general framework of the rules-in-use has governed the activities of this subgroup for 11 to 25 years.
San Pedro Fishery System Rep New Draft
Resource System
Natural Infrastructure: The primary resource is Spiny Lobster, also Conch, Scale Fish, and Shrimp. The resource relies on diverse oceanic topography including a coral reef, several island atolls, a large lagoon, and a dynamic food web covering a local area from 0-6 miles away and long distance area from 25-124 miles away.
Resource Users
Natural Infrastructure User: Aproximatly 200 local San Pedrano fishermen.
Public Infrastructure Providers
Public and Club Infrastructure Provider: Belizean national government and the San Pedro fishing cooperative “Cairbena Cooperative Limited."
Public Infrastructure
Public and Club Infrastructure: Hard- ports, docks, boats, nets, diving, fishing, and boat gear including line, nets, hooks, goggles, fins, traps, wire, oil, gasoline, propane, paint, and sealant, freezer facilities, and processing facilities. Soft- legal / legal right to export marine produce for co-op fisheries, intermetially adjusted export quotas, 4 month closed fishing season from April 15 to July 15, size limits on lobster tails, right to sell produce to the co-op. Favorable low intrest loans are availabe to members of the community through the fisheing co-op.
Relationship 1
Relationship #1: The resource users explot the resource in 2 major ways, locally (from 0-6 miles away) and long distance (from 25-124 miles away). There are 22 long distance boats, long distance fishermen use 18-34' dry boats equiped with 25-40 HP motor. Local fishing is accomplished using various methods including cayucos (small dugout canoes) either poled paddeled or equiped with small 6-25HP motors, local fising is also done using small skiffs and 10-16' "V" wood hulled "speed boats" equiped with 6-50HP motors. The realtionship is currently stable, it is dependent on fishing technology (boats, nets, etc…) and traditional scope rules about sanctioned fishing areas.
Relationship 2
Relationship #2: On the local scale mediated by lobbying on behalf of the co-op, as well as direct action (protests) and boycosts. On the national level at the time of the study governed by national elections with universal adult suffrage– with the Britsh Royal Crown excersing final authority.
Relationship 3
Relationship #3: The case study does not specify.
Relationship 4
Relationship #4: The case study does not specify.
Relationship 5
Relationship #5: A de jure 4 month closed fishing season and size limits on lobster tails prevents fishermen from earning income from fishing during this period, it also preserves fish stocks. The right to sell produce to the co-op is reserved for co-op members, an exclusive club, this prevents new comers from becoming new resource users, over exploting the resource.
Relationship 6
Relationship #6: The right to sell produce to the co-op is reserved for co-op members, an exclusive club, this prevents new comers from becoming new resource users.
Exogenous Drivers 7 (Resource System)
The resource system is vulnerable to shocks from severe weather, specifically hurricanes.
Exogenous Drivers 7 (Public Infrastructure)
The public infrastrcuture is vulnerable to shocks from severe weather, specifically hurricanes.
Exogenous Drivers 8 (Resource Users)
Shock #8 on RU: The fishermen are highly vulnerable to changes in the global fish market with regards to price, demand, and regulation.
Exogenous Drivers 8 (Public Infrastructure Providers)
The case study does not specify.
Human Infrastructure, Private and Human-Made (Resource Users)
(none specified)Human Infrastructure, Private and Human-Made (Public Infrastructure Providers)
(none specified)Schlager E, University of Arizona.
Anderies JM, Arizona State University.
Montalvo Clavijo CP, Arizona State University.
Phases of Development and Underdevelopment in a Caribbean Fishing Village: San Pedro, Belize. Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA. PhD
. 1981.Folk Management among Belizean lobster fishermen: Success and resilience or decline and depletion? Human Organization. 56(4):418-426.
. 1997.Comparative institutions and management resiliency in Latin American small-scale fisheries. The Social Science Journal. 45(2):312-329.
. 2008.Assessment of the Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) of Belize based on Fishery-Dependent Data..
. 2010.