Kampong Mee Trawl Fishery, Malaysia

Resource System
Coastal marine ecosystem
Resource Units
Demersal fish stocks

Kampong Mee is a fishing community that is located near the urban areas of Penang and several other fishing ports in Malaysia. The original case, which was published in 1977, catalogues approximately 2,000 inhabitants and 150 boats; the resource unit is demersal fish. Overfishing is the main common pool resource problem. In an attempt to limit overfishing, six co-operatvies were established. Co-operative committee heads are appointed by the government and were established to manage the fishery and formally represent the fishermen. These co-operatives engage primarily in marketing, fishermen licensing, and are organized according to village origin. Due to poor funding, the co-operatives have a difficult time managing over-fishing. Additionally, the resource boundaries are not well defined. Based on the source document and institutional analysis, the governing system for the Kampong Mee Trawl fishery is deemed a failure. 

This case study is part of the original Common-Pool Resource (CPR) database. A summary of the original CPR coding conducted in the 1980s by Edella Schlager and Shui Yan Tang at Indian University may be found under the CPR tab under Institutional Analysis.