Agcuyo Irrigation System, Barrio Samoki, Bontoc municipality, Philippines.

Resource System
Watershed and associated topography
Resource Units

The case of the Agcuyo Irrigation System is located in the Barrio Samoki 4 km east of Bontoc municipality, Mountain Province, Philippines. The resource appropriated is water for irrigation. The system serves an area of 9 hectares cultivated by 50 farmers. At the beginning of the study period, there was a moderately abundant supply of biological and physical resources withdrawn compared to the number of units available. There was no formal organization or leaders. However, farmers did cooperate to do the maintenance jobs. Farmers who did not attend the cleaning and repair works were fined or ridiculed by other farmers.

This case study is part of the original Common-Pool Resource (CPR) database. A summary of the original CPR coding conducted in the 1980s by Edella Schlager and Shui Yan Tang at Indiana University may be found under the CPR tab in the Institutional Analysis section below.