Institutional Rationing of Canal Water in Northern India: Conflict between Traditional Patterns and Modern Needs

TitleInstitutional Rationing of Canal Water in Northern India: Conflict between Traditional Patterns and Modern Needs
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1974
AuthorsReidinger RB
JournalEconomic Development and Cultural Change
Source DocumentAccessible with appropriate permission
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Chawk 16000L Dhabi Minor irrigation system

The Irrigation System is located in the village Dhabi Kalan, Haryana, India at 100 miles northwest of India. The resource appropriated related to the social dilemma is water for irrigation that flows through a canal to a command area. The original cases were reported in 1980 by two authors. One author (Vander Velde 1980) argues that the irrigation system has benefited the dominant caste, Jat, more than other poorer castes in Dhabi Kalan. Another researcher, Reidinger (1980), suggests that...
09 Aug 2016