- Resource System
- Marine ecosystem
- Resource Units
- Fish stocks (marine)
- Location
- N/A
This case is to illustrate the functionality of the dynamic robustness diagram. Right now, the descriptions are very limited. They will become much more detailed as the research continues.
Community Fishery Example
Resource System
Resource Users
Inshore fishers from small communities. There are 200 fishers.
Public Infrastructure Providers
The community provides fishing regulations
Public Infrastructure
Fishing rules - when and where fishing is allowed.
Relationship 1
Relationship 2
The users and PIPs are one and the same.
Relationship 3
Fishers provide monitoring and enforcement
Relationship 4
Relationship 5
Controls access to resource.
Relationship 6
Exogenous Drivers 7 (Resource System)
Climate change
Exogenous Drivers 7 (Public Infrastructure)
Changing external regulations
Exogenous Drivers 8 (Resource Users)
New economic opportunities
Exogenous Drivers 8 (Public Infrastructure Providers)
New political regimes
Human Infrastructure, Private and Human-Made (Resource Users)
(none specified)Human Infrastructure, Private and Human-Made (Public Infrastructure Providers)
(none specified)Anderies JM, Arizona State University.
Brady U, Arizona State University.