The Alaskan Pollock Fishery, Bering Sea, USA

Resource System
Arctic marine ecosystem
Resource Units

The Alaskan Pollock fishery has been described as a management success, largery attributed to the adoption of ITQs, with allocations to catchers, processers, and to Alaskan communities.  The processor-fisher relationship seems key to the current success at reducing effort in the fishery. Quota is split among catcher-vessels (45%), catcher processer vessels (36%), motherships (9%), and community development quota groups (10%). There is a much smaller number of boats fishing than before rationalization of the fishery. Historical overfishing in the "donut hole" (international waters) in the middle of the Bering Sea has resulted in collapse of the stock in this area. It is now fished for jellyfish. A rapid development of institutions combined with a high tolerance of a complex regulatory environment has resulted in improved management of the Alaskan shelf.