- Resource System
- Banggai Archipelago marine ecosystem
- Resource Units
- Cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni)
- Location
- Banggai Islands
The Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni) is a species endemic to the Banggai Islands of Indonesia. It has been overfished due to its popularity as an aquarium fish, and is currently listed as "Endangered" on the IUCN Red List. The system lacks appropriate soft public infrastructure to regulate and monitor extraction and trade of the species.
Banggai Cardinalfish fishery
Resource System
Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni)
Resource Users
Fishermen (Banggai region, Indonesia) - extract the fish from the wild
Public Infrastructure Providers
Indonesian government, which typically allows for a great deal of regional autonomy
Public Infrastructure
Soft public infrastructure - regulations restricting P. kauderni fishing and trade
Hard public infrastructure - transportation infrastructure (such as roads, cars, boats, and airplanes) that facilitate international trade
Relationship 1
Fishermen extract fish using nets, cyanide, or fish bombs.
Relationship 2
Indonesian government provides training to fishermen on sustainable extraction methods, post-harvest care, and marketing skills.
Relationship 3
The Indonesian national government delegates authority for P. kauderni management to the Banggai regional government
Relationship 4
(none specified)Relationship 5
Government allocates ornamental fishing licenses to fishermen.
Relationship 6
Fishermen must report their catch sizes to the Indonesian government.
Government monitors the number of P. kauderni being caught and exported.
Exogenous Drivers 7 (Resource System)
Pollution from human activities, primarily in the form of sedimentation and nitrate runoff, can damage P. kauderni habitat.
High demand for P. kauderni from foreign aquarium hobbyists can increase extraction of the fish.
Exogenous Drivers 7 (Public Infrastructure)
(none specified)Exogenous Drivers 8 (Resource Users)
Demand for P. kauderni from foreign aquarium hobbyists can influence the stability of fishermen livelihoods - low demand may harm fishermen, while high demand will provide them with more opportunities to make money.