Malthusian Population Growth and Crisis in Pre-Industrial Agrarian Societies

Model Description

Most models of Malthusian population dynamics specify logistic growth to a carrying capacity, but the historical record of agrarian societies strongly suggests that repeated cycles of overshoot and collapse (so-called "Malthusian crises") are endogenous to population dynamics (see Nefedov, 2013 for details and citations). In this model, Nefedov (2013) explicitly models harvest surplus production as the carrying capacity of an agricultural population. When population pressure drives the agricultural surplus to zero, a devastating famine occurs, which kills a large proportion of the population. This "Malthusian crisis" then enables renewed population growth in repeated cycles -- producing dampened oscillations. The eventual equilibrium is conceived of as a very rare case, as historical factors (economic, social, and political change) exogenous to the model are expected to repeatedly provoke recurring growth-collapse dynamics.


The model has two state variables -- population (N) in number of households, and surplus grain (K) in units of minimum annual rations per household. Population dynamics are logistic, where 'r' is the maximum growth rate (~0.007 < r < 0.02 for pre-industrial societies), and the carrying capacity is the the other state variable, K. As such, the population size of K corresponds to the number of minimum annual rations in storage. Annually, 'N' rations are consumed, so the annual change in K will be harvest minus consumption. Harvest is a function of N and the parameter 'q', which is conceptualized as how many households one farming household can support (~1.1 < q < 2.0 for pre-industrial societies). Depending on the values of q and r, the period of oscillations can range from >400 to 63 years.

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