Mathematics of Marital Conflict: Qualitative Dynamic Mathematic Modeling of Marital Interaction

TitleMathematics of Marital Conflict: Qualitative Dynamic Mathematic Modeling of Marital Interaction
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1995
Authorstestval jdsmit31 testval jdsmit31 testval, Tyson R, White J, Rushe R, Gottman J, Murray J
JournalJournal of Family Psychology
Start Page110
Date Published06/1995
Type of ArticleResearch
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Mathematics of Marital Conflict

This discrete time model represents a coupled system as seen through talk turns in a conversation between a wife and husband where each exerts influence dynamically on the other. Cook et al. (1995) develop this entirely social model based on empirical observations of marital conflict in the Gottman Love Lab, a University of Washington social laboratory studying marital conflict and resolution.  The authors developed this model, then confirmed the model through turn-wise application of the...
30 Nov 2017