- Resource System
- Continental ecosystems in the Orinoco River Watershed
- Resource Units
- Water, Soil, Forest, and Wildlife
- Location
- Orinoco River Watershed Centroid
Strategic ecosystems in the Orinoco River Watershed
Resource System
Water, Soil, Forest, and Wildlife
Resource Users
Indigenous peoples, settlers, tourists, extractive industries (petroleum, palm oil, gold, and other minerals)
Public Infrastructure Providers
- Government officials: they govern the protected areas for the conservation of strategic ecosystems in the Watershed.
- National Natural Parks of Colombia is the entity in charge of the protected areas in Colombia
- National Park Institute is the entity in charge of the protected areas in Venezuela
- Indigenous peoples: they govern Indigenous peoples' territories. Some of these territories have legal recognition of their rights but there are many others without legal recognition over their territories
Public Infrastructure
- Roads
- Oil towers and pipes
- Boats: transportation and fishing
Relationship 1
- Slash and burn the forest for growing crops
- Bushmeat for survival
- Forest and wildlife use for cultural purposes
- Seasonal fishing
- Research
- Tourism
Relationship 2
- Accessing the resources
- Extracting resources
- Access restrictions
Relationship 3
(none specified)Relationship 4
(none specified)Relationship 5
(none specified)Relationship 6
(none specified)Exogenous Drivers 7 (Resource System)
(none specified)Exogenous Drivers 7 (Public Infrastructure)
(none specified)Exogenous Drivers 8 (Resource Users)
(none specified)Exogenous Drivers 8 (Public Infrastructure Providers)
(none specified)Human Infrastructure, Private and Human-Made (Resource Users)
(none specified)Human Infrastructure, Private and Human-Made (Public Infrastructure Providers)
(none specified)Challenges for local adaptation when governance scales overlap. Evidence from Languedoc, France. Regional Environmental Change.
. 2018.Addressing cross-scale conservation efforts within overlapping areas in the Orinoco River watershed.
. 2019.