The Messolonghi-Etoliko Lagoon of Greece: Socio-Economic and Ecological Interactions of Cooperative and Independent Fishermen

TitleThe Messolonghi-Etoliko Lagoon of Greece: Socio-Economic and Ecological Interactions of Cooperative and Independent Fishermen
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1984
AuthorsKotsonias G
Book TitleManagement of coastal lagoon fisheries
Series TitleFAO Report
Series Volume61
PublisherGeneral Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean (FAO)
Source DocumentAccessible with appropriate permission
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Messolonghi-Etolico Lagoon Fishery

The Messolonghi-Etolico lagoon is in the northern part of Patraikos Gulf, on the west coast of central Greece. The original case, which was published in 1984, catalogues an action situation with approximately 200 independent fishermen and 170 fishermen in 11 co-ops. The resource units are mullets, sea-bream, eel, and sea-bass. The co-ops feel the independents are free-riders on co-op efforts to trap fish; independents resent the co-ops' privileges, power, and subterfuges to restrict membership...
09 Aug 2016