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Displaying 166 - 180 of 194 records found.
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The Innovation Commons: The Nanotechnology Innovation Network, Phoenix, AZ

 The nanotechnology innovation network of Metropolitan Phoenix ranks among the top thirty across US cities focused on nanotechnology development. The present case examines the structure of the innovation network, consisting of approximately 400 diverse organizations, between 2011 and 2012. The commons dilemma revolves around managing future risks and benefits from nanotechnology development; the resource is a heterogenous mix of natural and human-made infrastructures.
09 Aug 2016

The Irrigation System of Campo Montiel, La Mancha region, Spain

Campo de Montiel Irrigation system is based on an aquifer of 2500 km2, but only that only 3% of it was used for agriculture. Campo de Montiel is located in La Mancha Region, in Spain. The case study involves an analysis of the evolution of the system from 1980 to 2000. The authors catalogue an action situation involving 29,000 total users that appropriate groundwater as the resource unit from the High Basin of Guadiana River, but only 101 farmers appropriate groundwater for irrigation...
09 Aug 2016

The Irrigation System of La Mancha Oriental, La Mancha Region, Albacete and Cuenca provinces, Spain

The Mancha Oriental Irrigation system is one aquifer of La Mancha Region, located in Albacete and Cuenca provinces in Spain. The case study involves an analysis of the evolution of the system from 1975 to 2000. The extension of the land is 8,500km2  but only 1,000Km2   is irrigated. The authors catalogue an action situation involving users that appropriates groundwater as resource units from the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation.The original case study authors focused on...
09 Aug 2016

The Irrigation System of Sol y Arena, Campo de Dalías, Almeria, Spain

The Sol y Arena Irrigation system is one of the six irrigation systems (the most irrigated one) of the agricultural area of Campo de Dalías, which is located in Almería, Spain. It encompasses a geographical area of 6,000 ha. The case study involves an analysis of the evolution of the system in different stages: from 1953 in which the system was created to the date of the research in 2000. The authors catalogue an action situation involving 4095 users, of which only 2,952 are from the...
09 Aug 2016

The Irrigation System of Sol y Poniente, Campo de Dalías, Almeria, Spain

The Sol y Poniente Irrigation system is one of the six irrigation systems of the agricultural area of Campo de Dalías, which is located in Almería, Spain. The case study involves an analysis of the evolution of the system in different stages: from 1988 in which the system was created to the date of the research in 2000. The authors catalogue an action situation involving users that appropriates water from the Benínar reservoir which is a public production resource, with public...
09 Aug 2016

The irrigation system of the northwest Murcia Region (Spain): robustness of SES to the intrusion of new resource users

Farmers in the northwest Murcia Region (Spain) have used for centuries the water from springs to irrigate their lands. They are organized in irrigation communities adapted to cope with rainfall variability. This system was robust in terms of its use of the water emerging from the springs to irrigate small patches of land. In recent decades, large agrarian companies have settled in this region and use groundwater to irrigate new lands. This intrusion had led the levels of this resource to drop...
09 Aug 2016

The Tsembaga Maring swidden agriculture and animal husbandry, Simbai River Valley, Papua New Guinea

Tsembaga Maring are a group of horticulturists who live in the highlands of New Guinea. The main resource upon which they relied on is swidden agriculture. The Tsembaga also practiced animal husbandry - the main domesticated animal being pigs. The Tsembaga derived little energetic value from pigs. Pigs did, however, play an important role in Kaiko, an important cultural ritual practiced by the Tsembaga people. Kaiko is a 5-25 year long ritual cycle that is coupled with pig husbandry and...
09 Aug 2016

The urban heat commons: vegetation cooling services in Metropolitan Phoenix

The case of urban vegetation cooling service at Metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona, USA is an addition to the original Common-Pool Resource (CPR) database. This case was created in 2013 by Yujia Zhang at Arizona State University. Metropolitan Phoenix is one of the fastest growing regions in the southwest U.S. In contrast to its rapid urban expansion, this area possesses inadequate natural resources and faces unique challenges of sustainable development. The commons dilemma in this case is to...
09 Aug 2016

Traditional irrigation practices of Ladakh (Alchi village), India

The village of Alchi is located on the banks of the Indus river in the Ladakh division of the Jammu and Kashmir districts, India.  It encompasses an unknown geographical area of land located in a cold desert/high altitude region characterized by glaciers, snowfields, short cultivation periods, and scarce water resources. The case study involves an undetermined snapshot in time and catalogues an action situation involving an unknown number of households which are dependent on an earthen...
09 Aug 2016

Traditional irrigation practices of Ladakh (Sabu village), India

The village of Sabu (aka Saboo) is located several km from the town of Leh in the Ladakh division of the Jammu and Kashmir districts, India.  It encompasses an unknown geographical area of land located in a cold desert/high altitude region characterized by glaciers, snowfields, short cultivation periods, and scarce water resources. The case study involves an undetermined snapshot in time and catalogues an action situation involving an unknown number of households which are dependent on an...
09 Aug 2016

Traditional irrigation practices of Ladakh (villages of Phuktse, Shara, and Sharnos), India

The villages of Phuktse, Shara, and Sharnos are located in the Ladakh division of the Jammu and Kashmir districts, India.  The villages are successively downstream from each other, beginning with Phuktse which is upstream from Shara which is upstream from Sharnos.  Each village encompasses an unknown geographical area of land located in a cold desert/high altitude region characterized by glaciers, snowfields, short cultivation periods, and scarce water resources. The case study...
09 Aug 2016

Traditional irrigation practices of Ladakh (villages of Phyang and Phey), India

The villages of Phyang and Phey are located northwest and southwest from the town of Leh in the Ladakh division of the Jammu and Kashmir districts, India, and are upstream (Phyang) and downstream (Phey) from each other.  Each village encompasses an unknown geographical area of land located in a cold desert/high altitude region characterized by glaciers, snowfields, short cultivation periods, and scarce water resources. The case study involves an undetermined snapshot in time and catalogues...
09 Aug 2016

Village 1 forest community, Almora district, India

The community forests discussed in this case study are called panchayat forests. They are managed by local institutions called van panchayats. The forests and van panchayats all lie in the middle Himalayan ranges in Almora district, India. Almora is one of the eight mountainous districts that together comprise the Uttarkhand in Uttar Pradesh. The analysis focuses on the effects of institutional rules on fodder and fuelwood use in community forests. Village 1 is one of six villages located in...
09 Aug 2016

Village 2 forest community, Almora district, India

The community forests disccused in this case study are called panchayat forests. They are managed by local institutions called van panchayats. The forests and van panchayats all lie in the middle Himalayan ranges in Almora district, India. Almora is one of the eight mountainous districts that together comprise the Uttarakhand in Uttar Pradesh. The analysis focuses on the effects of institutional rules on fodder and fuelwood use in community forests. Village 2 is one of six villages located in...
09 Aug 2016

Village 3 forest community, Almora district, India

The community forests discussed in this case study are called panchayat forests. They are managed by local institutions called van panchayats. The forests and van panchayats all lie in the middle Himalayan ranges in Almora district, India. Almora is one of the eight mountainous districts that together comprise the Uttarakhand in Uttar Pradesh. The analysis focuses on the effects of institutional rules on fodder and fuelwood use in community forests. Village 3 is one of six villages located in...
09 Aug 2016