Displaying 76 - 90 of 117 records found.
Title![]() | Type |
Siran Ko Kulo (c), Baguwa, Sikharpur Village Panchayat, Sindhupalchok District, Nepal | Case |
This case is part of the original Nepal Irrigation Institutions and Systems (NIIS) database developed in the 1980's by a team of researchers under the direction of Dr. Elinor Ostrom at Indiana University. In addition, this case is also part of a longitudinal study that has repeatedly investigated 19 farmer-managed irrigation systems (FMIS) in the Indrawati River Basin that participated in an innovative intervention designed to improve irrigation performance not only by improving physical... | 09 Aug 2016 |
Soti Bagar Ko Kulo, Thamalangtar Dhap Village Panchayat, Sindhupalchok District, Nepal | Case |
This case is part of the original Nepal Irrigation Institutions and Systems (NIIS) database developed in the 1980's by a team of researchers under the direction of Dr. Elinor Ostrom at Indiana University. In addition, this case is also part of a longitudinal study that has repeatedly investigated 19 farmer-managed irrigation systems (FMIS) in the Indrawati River Basin that participated in an innovative intervention designed to improve irrigation performance not only by improving physical... | 09 Aug 2016 |
Spread of ideas based on epidemiological models | Case |
The population dynamics underlying the diffusion of ideas hold many qualitative similarities to those involved in thespread of infections. In spite of much suggestive evidence this analogy is hardly ever quantified in useful ways. Thestandard benefit of modeling epidemics is the ability to estimate quantitatively population average parameters, such asinterpersonal contact rates, incubation times, duration of infectious periods, etc. In most cases such quantities generalizenaturally to the... | 07 Oct 2016 |
Spread of ideas based on epidemiological models | Model |
Models inspired by epidemiology and informed by the sociology of the spread dynamics, are applied to the diffusion of a specific scientific idea. Although the example will clearly not cover everyclass of ideas, it will point to features of epidemic models that apply to idea diffusion. It will alsoreveal features of these models that require modification, thereby producing more realistic candidate models.At the onset of the spread of the idea, most of the population will be in the susceptible... | 07 Oct 2016 |
Stakenet Fishery Association at Negombo Lagoon, Sri Lanka | Case |
Negombo Lagoon (3,164 ha) is located on Sri Lanka's west coast -- about 30 km north of the capital Colombo. This study discusses a community-initiated common property regime in the Negombo lagoon suffering from the problem of open access. The analysis focuses on the Stake-Net Fishery Association (SNFA) in the channels of the Negombo lagoon. The SNFA is an example of a long-standing collective arrangement for successfully limiting open access. The determinants of the success of the SNFA are... | 09 Aug 2016 |
Subedar Ko Kulo, Dhap Village, Thamalangtar Dhap Village Panchayat, Sinhupalchok District, Nepal | Case |
This case is part of the original Nepal Irrigation Institutions and Systems (NIIS) database developed in the 1980's by a team of researchers under the direction of Dr. Elinor Ostrom at Indiana University. In addition, this case is also part of a longitudinal study that has repeatedly investigated 19 farmer-managed irrigation systems (FMIS) in the Indrawati River Basin that participated in an innovative intervention designed to improve irrigation performance not only by improving physical... | 09 Aug 2016 |
Subtle global bifurcation with dramatic ecological consequences in a simple population model | Case |
Numerous situations exist in which a consumer uses two different kinds of resources, one fixed, the other renewable, e.g., nesting resources and food resources. With an elementary modification of the basic Lotka–Volterra consumer resource equations, we investigate the population dynamics of a consumer dependent on two resources, one fixed, the other renewable. Emerging from this structure is a situation of alternative attractors that remain qualitatively robust over a significant range of... | 09 Aug 2016 |
Synthetic Biology: The Registry of Standard Biological Parts | Case |
The Registry of Standard Biological Parts is maintained by the International Genetic Engineering Machine (iGEM) Foundation in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Registry contains genetic information in the form of synthetically created deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences, protein, promoters, and other parts with various biological functions. The shared resources relevant to the commons dilemma faced by the community include the parts in the registry and their accessibility (common-pool). The... | 09 Aug 2016 |
Tallo Chapleti Kulo, Sikharpur Village Panchayat, Sindhupalchok District, Nepal | Case |
This case is part of the original Nepal Irrigation Institutions and Systems (NIIS) database developed in the 1980's by a team of researchers under the direction of Dr. Elinor Ostrom at Indiana University. In addition, this case is also part of a longitudinal study that has repeatedly investigated 19 farmer-managed irrigation systems (FMIS) in the Indrawati River Basin that participated in an innovative intervention designed to improve irrigation performance not only by improving physical... | 09 Aug 2016 |
Tallo Jhankri Ko Kulo, Dubachaur Village Panchayat, Sindhupalchok District, Nepal | Case |
This case is part of the original Nepal Irrigation Institutions and Systems (NIIS) database developed in the 1980's by a team of researchers under the direction of Dr. Elinor Ostrom at Indiana University. In addition, this case is also part of a longitudinal study that has repeatedly investigated 19 farmer-managed irrigation systems (FMIS) in the Indrawati River Basin that participated in an innovative intervention designed to improve irrigation performance not only by improving physical... | 09 Aug 2016 |
Tanowong Bwasao Irrigation II, Philippines | Case |
This paper is an update on a prior case study about the Bwasao irrigation system (Case Nos. 38 and 39) analyzing Albert S. Bacdayan’s 1980 case study on the Tanowong people of three distinct villages in the northern Philippines. For purposes of this report, the SES study boundaries were expanded to include the entire Cordillera region in the northern Philippines. Case Summary: Since the Tanowong people built the Bwasao irrigation canal in 1954 to accommodate the villages’ growing... | 09 Aug 2016 |
Teleconnected vulnerabilities of Mexican and Vietnamese coffee systems | Case |
The case study of smallholder coffee producers’ vulnerability in Mexico and Vietnam was published in the journal Environmental Science and Policy in 2008. The authors Hallie Eakin, Alexanda Winkels and Jan Sendzimir explore cross-scale linkages and teleconnectons in the Mexican and Vietnamese coffee systems. This case study is an addition to the SES library and was entered in 2013 by Ashwina Mahanti at Arizona State University. The original case study illustrates that vulnerability in a... | 09 Aug 2016 |
The application of commons theory on marine resource management | Case |
This case was part of a study to determine whether the institutional design principles of Ostrom were, in fact, related to "governance success" by Cox et al. In that analysis, this case was not included in the end. | 09 Aug 2016 |
The coupled dynamics of human socio-economic choice and lake water system: the interaction of two sources of nonlinearity | Case |
Suzuki & Iwasa (2009) study a mathematical model for the coupled dynamics of human socio-economic choice and lake water system. In the model, many players choose one of the two options: a cooperative and costly option with low phosphorus discharge, and an economical option with high phosphorus discharge. The choice is affected by an economic cost, a social concern about water pollution, and a conformist tendency. The pollution level in the lake is determined by total phosphorus discharge by... | 09 Aug 2016 |
The Evolution of Social Norms in Common Property Resource Use | Case |
The problem of extracting commonly owned renewable resources is examined within an evolutionary-game-theoretic framework. It is shown that cooperative behavior guided by norms of restraint and punishment may be stable in a well-defined sense against invasion by narrowly self-interested behavior. The resource-stock dynamics are integrated with the evolutionary-game dynamics. Effects of changes in prices, technology, and social cohesion on extraction behavior and the long-run stock are analyzed.... | 09 Aug 2016 |