Found 379 results
Transformations of the chihuahuan borderlands: grazing, fragmentation, and biodiversity conservation in desert grasslands. Environmental Science & Policy. 5:55-68.
2002. What Can Be Learned From Du Pont and The Freon Ban: A Case Study.. Journal of Business Ethics. 40:207-218.
2002. Why local resources management institutions decline: a comparative analysis of van (forest) panchayats and forest protection com. World Development, Great Britain. 30:2153-2167.
2002. The Changing of the Traditional System of Marine Resources Management of Malay and Pattani Society. The Asian FAce of Globalisation: Reconstructing Identities, Institutions, and Resources. :65-74.
2001. The Common Property Regime of the Huaorani Indians of Ecuador: Implications and Challenges to Conservation. Human Ecology. 29(4):425-447.
2001. Cows, condos and the contested commons: The political ecology of ranching on the arizona-sonora borderlands. Human Organization. 60(2):141-152.
2001. Design principles in long-enduring institutions of Japanese irrigation common-pool resources. Agricultural Water Management. 48(2):89-102.
2001. .
2001. Empowerment and Disempowerment of Forest Women in Uttarakhand, India. Gender, Technology & Development. 5:341.
2001. .
2001. Forest Resources: Institutions for Local Governance in Guatemala. Protecting the Commons:A Framework For Resource Management In The Americas. :71-90.
2001. Gestión del agua de riego en Campo Dalías.. La Economía del Agua Subterránea y su Gestión Collectiva. :405-475.
2001. Korean fishing communities in transition: Institutional change and coastal development. Department of Geography, University of Washington. Ph.D.
2001. La gestión colectiva de la saguas subterráneas en la Mancha: análisis comparativo. La Economía del Agua Subterránea y su Gestión Collectiva. :405-475.
2001. Management of Communal Grazing Land: A case study on institutions for collective action in Endabeg village, Tanzania. Department of Infrastructure and Planning, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Master's
2001. .
2001. Participatory budgeting in Brazilian cities: Limits and possibilities in building democratic institutions. Environment and Urbanization. 13(1):159-184.
2001. Population growth and customary land law: The case of Cordillera villages in the Phillippines. Economic Development and Cultural Change. 49(3):631-658.
2001. Successfully Governing the Commons: Principles of Social Organization in an Andean Irrigation System. Human Ecology. 29(1):1-25.
2001. Use of woodland resources within and across villages in a Zimbabwean communal area. Agriculture and Human Values. 18:177-194.
2001. The Evolving Arms Control Agenda: Implications of the Role of NGOs in Banning Antipersonnel Landmines.. World Politics. 53:74-114.
2000. Institutional Choice, Community, and Struggle: A Case Study of Forest Co-Management in Mexico. World Development. 28(1):1-20.
2000. A lack of institutional demand: Why a strong local community in Western Ecuador fails to protect its forest. People and Forests: Communities, Institutions, and Governance. :135-161.
2000. Landmines: Why the Korea exception should be the rule. Parameters: US Army War College. 30(1):82-102.
2000. Moral ecological rationality, institutions and the management of common property resources. Development and Change. 31:361-383.