Found 379 results
Common Property and Conservation: The Potential for Effective Communal Forest Management Within a National Park in Mexico. Human Ecology. 32(6):703-733.
2004. Community Rights and Statutory Laws: Politics of Forest Use in Uttarakhand Himalayas. J. Legal Pluralism and Unofficial L.. 50:161-172.
2004. Constraints on collective action in a transitional economy: the case of Bulgaria's irrigation sector. World Development. 32(2):251-271.
2004. Ethics and Global Climate Change. Ethics. 114:555-600.
2004. A Framework to Analyze the Robustness of Socio-ecological Systems from an Institutional Perspective. Ecology and Society. 9(1):18-34.
2004. From common property to co-management: lessons from Brazil’s first maritime extractive reserve. Marine Policy. 28:419-428.
2004. From voice to empowerment: Rerouting irrigation reform in Indonesia. The Politics of Irrigation Reform: Contested Policy Formulation and Implementation in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
2004. Participatory budgeting: A significant contribution to participatory democracy. Environment and Urbanization. 16(1):27-46.
2004. Robust strategies for managing rangelands with multiple stable attractors. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 47:140-162.
2004. Understanding impacts of fisheries bycatch on marine megafauna. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 19:598-604.
2004. Can a nationalised forest management system uphold local insititutions? The case of leaf litter forest [Sokshing] management Asian Studies Review. 27(3):341-359.
2003. Changes in indigenous common property regimes and development policies in the Northern Phillippines. Politics of the Commons: Articulating Development and Strengthening Local Practices.
2003. Economic development, demographics, and renewable resources: a dynamical systems approach. Environment and Development Economics. 8:219-246.
2003. The effect of subsistence on collapse and institutional adaptation in population-resource societies. Journal of Development Economics. 72:299-320.
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2003. Reinventing the Commons: An African Case Study. U.C. Davis Law Review. 37(1):203-232.
2003. Sunk-Cost Effects and Vulnerability to Collapse in Ancient Societies. Current Anthropology. 44(5)
2003. Water Management for a Megacity: Mexico City Metropolitan Area. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment. 32(2):124–129.
2003. At the Crossroads: Continuity and Change in the Traditional Irrigation Practices of Ladakh. 9th Biennial Conference.
2002. Common property and natural resources in the Alps: the decay of management structures? Forest Policy and Economics. 4:135-147.
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2002. Little Ice Age. Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change. :504-509.
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2002. The Second Review Conference of the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. American Journal of International Law. 96(4):922-936.