Found 379 results
Governance and effects of marine reserves in the Gulf of California. Ocean and Coastal Management. 52:207-218.
2009. Governance of nanotechnology and nanomaterials: principles, regulation, and renegotiating the social contract. Journal Of Law, Medicine and Ethics. 37(4):706-723.
2009. In the Balance: The institution of Prud’homies in the Mediterranean offers a viable form of collective coastal resource mgmt. Samudra Report. 54:24-27.
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2009. Nested Vulnerability: exploring cross-scale linkages and vulnerability teleconnections in Mexican and Vietnamese coffee systems. Environmental Science and Policy. 12(4):398-412.
2009. Private-public collaboration to reintroduce fire into the changing ecosystems of the Southwestern Borderlands region. Fire Ecology Special Issue. 5(1):85-99.
2009. Redressing 'historical injustice' through the Indian Forest Rights Act 2006. IPPG Discussion Papers.
2009. Resilience, Adaptability, and Transformability in the Goulburn-Broken Catchment, Australia. Ecology and Society. 14(1):12.[online]URL:
2009. Using Watered Landscapes to Manipulate Urban Heat Island Effects: How Much Water Will It Take to Cool Phoenix? Journal of the American Planning Association. 76(1):109-121.
2009. Analyzing the Impact of Agave Cultivation on Famine Risk in Arid Pre-Hispanic Northern Mexico. Human Ecology. 36(3):409-422.
2008. Can catch shares prevent fisheries collapse? Science. 321:1678-1681.
2008. Comparative institutions and management resiliency in Latin American small-scale fisheries. The Social Science Journal. 45(2):312-329.
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2008. “Hay que conservar los manantiales”: Organización social del regadío y aguas subterráneas en el noroeste murciano. Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros. 220:123-159.
2008. The institutional reality of common pool resources. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Master's thesis
2008. Management of natural resources at the community level: exploring the role of social capital and leadership in a rural fishing community. World Development. 36(12):2763-2779.
2008. Public-aided crises in the French fishing sector. Ocean and Coastal Management. 51(10):689-700.
2008. The stake-net fishery association of Negombo lagoon, Sri Lanka: Why has it survived over 250 years and will it survive. Promise, Trust and Evolution: Managing the Commons of South Asia. :144-164.
2008. Traditional Institutions and Sustainable Livelihood. Economics of Poverty, Environment and Natural-Resource Use. :141-156.
2008. Warabandi as a sociotechnical system for canal water allocation: opportunities and challenges for reform. Water Policy. 10
2008. Warabandi as a sociotechnical system for canal water allocation: opportunities and challenges for reform. Water Policy. 10
2008. Washington: Plea in Whale Killing. New York Times.