Found 378 results
Chakalian P.  2015.  Analysis of Phoenix, AZ Heat as a Social Ecological System. SOS 591: Applied Robustness Analysis in Social-Ecological Systems.
Australian FMA.  2015.  Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery.
Renova J.  2015.  California Water Crisis. SOS 591.
Srinivasan J.  2015.  Colorado River Governance - An Analysis. SOS 591: Applied Robustness Analysis in Social-Ecological Systems.
McCord P, Cox M, Schmitt-Harsh M, Evans T.  2015.  Crop diversification as a smallholder livelihood strategy within semi-arid agricultural systems near Mount Kenya. Land Use Policy. 42
UNESCO.  2015.  Cultural landscape of bali province: the subak system as a manifestation of the tri hita karana philosophy, State of Conservation 2015. State of Conservation.
Authority VFisheries.  2015.  Division of Economic Development - Jobs, Transport, and Resources. Scallop Fishery Overview.
Yu DJ, Qubbaj MR, Muneepeerakul R, Anderies JM, Aggarwal R.  2015.  Effect of infrastructure design on commons dilemmas in social−ecological system dynamics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 112(43):13212.
Moreno V, Espinoza B.  2015.  Electromagnetic Spectrum Allocation: Wireless Networks.
Turrentine H.  2015.  The Evolution of Open Access Journals. SOS 598: Applied Robustness Analysis in Social-Ecological Systems.
Tellman E.  2015.  The expanding commons dilemma for water in the Basin of Mexico. SOS 598: Applied Robustness Analysis in Social-Ecological Systems..
Gauthier N.  2015.  Food exchange and the robustness of agrarian societies in the Eastern Mediterranean. ESS 591: Applied Robustness Analysis in Social-Ecological Systems.
Vallury S, Brady U.  2015.  Heterogeneity in the Commons: Hard Infrastructure and its Effects on Collective Action and Public Goods Provisioning. SOS 598: Applied Robustness Analysis in Social-Ecological Systems.
Brady U.  2015.  How to Review Case Studies - Quick Reference Guide.
Neudert R.  2015.  Is Individualized Rangeland Lease Institutionally Incompatible with Mobile Pastoralism? -A Case Study from Post-Socialist Azerbaijan Human Ecology. 43:785–798.
González L.  2015.  Los multiplicadores de desarrollo local en el turismo comunitario: caso de Agua Blanca, Manabí, Ecuador. ECONOMÍA INTERNACIONAL Y DESARROLLO. Master:33.
Salamanca A.M., Nugroho A., Osbeck M., Bharwani S., Dwisasanti N..  2015.  Managing a living cultural landscape: Bali’s subaks and the UNESCO World Heritage Site. SEI Project Report 2015-05.
Poole L.  2015.  Scallop season starts with increased quota for Victorian fishermen. ABC.
Gillum D.  2015.  Synthetic Biology: The Registry of Standard Biological Parts. ESS 591.
Freeman J, Peeples MA, Anderies JM.  2015.  Toward a theory of non-linear transitions from foraging to farming. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 40