Title | Primary-productivity gradients and short-term population dynamics in open systems |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 1997 |
Authors | RM N |
Secondary Authors | S D |
Tertiary Authors | WG W |
Subsidiary Authors | SD C, testval jdsmit31 testval jdsmit31 testval, K K |
Journal | Ecological Monographs |
Volume | 67 |
Issue | 4 |
Start Page | 535 |
Pagination | 19 |
Date Published | 1 November 1997 |
Keywords | discrete-grazer model; food-chain dynamics; grazers; individual-based models; population dynamics in open systems; primary producers; primary-productivity gradients; trophic and behavioral dynamics. |
Abstract | We present three models representing the trophic and behavioral dynamics of a simple food chain (primary producers, grazers, and predators) at temporal scales shorter than the scale of consumer reproduction, and at the spatial scales typically employed in field experiments. These models incorporate flexible behavioral responses of organisms to their predators and resources in spatially heterogeneous environments that are open to immigration and emigration. The basic models include passive immigration at all trophic levels, producer growth rates and losses to grazer consumption, grazer emigration rate as a behavioral response to producer and predator densities, grazer losses to predator consumption, and predator emigration as a function of grazer density. We model this system as: (1) a set of ordinary differential equations (“well-mixed model”); (2) a set of partial differential equations describing a population of discrete grazers foraging on discrete patches of primary producers (“discrete-grazer model”); and (3) a set of simulation rules describing the movement and foraging of individual grazers and the growth of primary producers on discrete patches in explicit space (“individual-based model”). The ordinary differential-equation models produced similar results to individual-based models with well-mixed producers, and the discrete-grazer and individual-based models produced similar results when grazers possessed a long-term memory of patch reward rates. The well-mixed and discrete-grazer models thus represent specific, limiting cases of the general individual-based model. Multiple equilibria and sustained oscillations are possible but are less likely in the discrete-grazer and individual-based models than in the well-mixed model, because localized foraging of discrete grazers leads to the rapid development of spatial heterogeneity in producer biomass and, hence, to a decrease in overall primary production. All models predict that stable equilibrium densities of all trophic levels increase with enrichment, provided grazers increase their emigration rates as predator density increases. If increasing predator density leads to decreasing grazer-emigration rates, predator and grazer densities increase, but producer biomass may increase or decrease with enrichment. These results contrast with predictions from models that assume ideal free distributions of grazers and/or predators with respect to their resources. Our models also predict that densities at all trophic levels will increase with increasing producer immigration, and that producer density will decline with increasing grazer immigration and increase with increasing predator immigration. Our qualitative findings on enrichment are used to interpret an experiment dealing with the short-term dynamics of a stream community open to grazers and predators. |
URL | http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1890/0012-9615(1997)067[0535:PPGAST]2.0.CO;2/full |
DOI | 10.1890/0012-9615(1997)067[0535:PPGAST]2.0.CO;2 |
Source Document | Accessible with appropriate permission |
Title![]() | Type |
Dynamics of coupled populations in an open, three-trophic-level system | Case |
The investigated stream system, which consists of three-coupled populations (benthic algae, grazers, and predators), is modeled as a fixed region of space(e.g., stream reach) and over a limited period of time. The time scale allows for growth of primary producers (algae), but not for reproduction of grazers and predators. The system is open, allowing immigrations and emmigrations. Immigration at all trophic levels is assumed to be governed by external factors and to be... | 09 Oct 2016 |
Dynamics of coupled populations in an open, three-trophic-level system | Model |
This model explicitly incorporates the immigration and emigration processes in the context of three-trophic-level systems (e.g., a stream reach), and reveals how the coupled populations will change in response to the primary-productivity gradients (e.g., r, K). In contrast, traditional simple food-chain models study mostly two-trophic-level system which can be open or close. More interstingly, though not reflected here, there are two contrasting models presented in the paper:... | 09 Oct 2016 |