- Resource System
- Multiple
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- Multiple
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- Multiple
This is a collaborative project based on the IASC Arizona 2020 workshop panel on archetype analysis for commons research. Archetypes are increasingly used across a wide range of sustainability themes for “pattern recognition, diagnosis, or scenario development”. The work draws on a family of cases from the Social-Ecological Systems (SES) Library at ASU - to explore how archetype analysis can be used to synthesize results from a set of case studies. A second goal is to facilitate the transfer of knowledge from one case to another, and contribute towards evidence based policy making.
Aggarwal R, Arizona State University.
Anderies JM, Arizona State University.
Archetype analysis in sustainability research: methodological portfolio and analytical frontiers. Ecology and Society. 24(3):34. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-11103-240334
. 2019.