Displaying 76 - 90 of 261 records found.
Title | Type Created |
gondalpur irrigation system, punjab province, pakistan | Case |
gondalpur irrigation system is located in punjab province in pakistan. the resource appropriated related to the social dilemma is water for irrigation diverted with barrages from rivers to be distributed through canals. the original case was reported in 1986 and catalogues an action situation involving 50 farmers. the main watercourse of the village has serious problems in maintenance and water allocation. the author argues that the minute subdivision of land, the absence of an indigenous local... | 09 Aug 2016 |
silean banua irrigation system, lintong ni huta, balige subdistrict, indonesia | Case |
silean banua irrigation system is located in lintong ni huta, the subdistrict of balige in indonesia.the resource appropriated related to the social dilemma is water for irrigation the original case was reported in 1979 and catalogues an action situation involving 38 members. the author uses this case to challenge bennett's (1976) proposition that traditional societies lack the capacity for cooperation, social mobilization, financing, and engineering expertise to construct large irrigation... | 09 Aug 2016 |
bondar parhudagar irrigation system, lintong ni huta, balige subdistrict, indonesia | Case |
bondar parhudagar irrigation system is one of the six small irrigation systems located in lintong ni huta of the subdistrict of balige in indonesia. the resource appropriated related to the social dilemma is water for irrigation . the original case was reported in 1979 and catalogues an action situation involving less than 10 members that belongs to one family (descendants of the founder of the irrigation system). this case study is part of the original common-pool resource (cpr) database. a... | 09 Aug 2016 |
felderin irrigation system | Case |
this case was part of the original cpr database developed in the 1980s by edella schlager and shui yan tang at indiana university and may be found under the cpr tab under institutional analysis. the resource appropriated from felderin irrigation is water for irrigation. the felderin is one of the three irrigation networks in torbel, a village in the swiss alps. the felderin is regulated without central authority or official mechanisms for adjudication. upkeep is provided by a half dozen men... | 09 Aug 2016 |
barrio san antonio irrigation system, tabaco city, philippines | Case |
the barrio san antonio irrigation system is located at the northern foot of mount mayon approximately 7 km west of the city of tabaco, albay province, in the philippines. it also faces mt. masaraga on the west and mt. malinao on the northwest. no jeepneys nor buses exclusively ply the tabaco-san antonio route but it is accessible to different towns of the albay and camarines sur because of public transportation. vehicles that travel this route go between various towns of camarines sur and albay... | 09 Aug 2016 |
ten - dakh branch watercourse irrigation, punjab province, pakistan | Case |
this case was part of the original cpr database developed in the 1980s by edella schlager and shui yan tang at indiana university. the resource appropriated from watercourse ten-dakh branch is water for irrigation. based on an intensive survey of ten improved watercourses in punjab, this study shows the inadequacy of present forms of social organization of watercourses for insuring their adequate maintenance. the study suggests the following sociological characteristics as conducive to good... | 09 Aug 2016 |
chhahare khola ko kulo, baruwa village panchayat, dindhu palchok district, nepal | Case |
this case was part of the original cpr database developed in the 1980s by edella schlager and shui yan tang at indiana university. the resource appropriated from chhahare khola ko kulo, baruwa village panchayat is water for irrigation. chhahare khola ko kulo diverts water from a spring-fed stream, chhahare khola. the system was constructed under the "food for work" program in 1983. there is no farmers' committee responsible for the maintenance and operation of the canal. whenever... | 09 Aug 2016 |
naya dhara ko kulo (kot village panchayat), sindhu palchok district, nepal | Case |
the resource appropriated from naya dhara ko kulo (kot village panchayat) is water for irrigation. naya dhara ko kulo was constructed in 1975 by the collective effort of the beneficiaries. the canal was improved by the financial aid of the department of irrigation, hydrology and meteorology. farmers in the system have their rules for water allocation and labor inputs. however, they do not have a formal organization to enforce the rules. the canal has a low conveyance capacity which affects the... | 09 Aug 2016 |
char hazar (charhajar) irrigation system, damauli village, tanahu district, nepal | Case |
the char hazar irrigation system is located in damauli village in the tanahu district, about 65 kilometers to the east of pokhara city in nepal. the resource unit is the water for irrigation. the primary water source for char hazar is sange khola, which is a tributary of the madi river. farmers share water delivery turn by turn, according to the location of the land along the length of the field channel. farmers agree on a schedule for maintenance, and labor is mobilized to desilt and clean the... | 09 Aug 2016 |
lothar farmer-managed irrigation system, chitwan district, nepal | Case |
lothar is a farmer-managed irrigation system in the chitwan district, about 30 kilometres east of the city of bharatpur in nepal. the resource unit is water for irrigation. the system comprises of a main canal, an approach canal, six branch canals, and field channels. individual farmers are responsible for maintaining field channels and tertiary canals. during the time of the original case, which spans from 1985 to 1986, there was no history of conflicts in the irrigation system. this case... | 09 Aug 2016 |
gageo-do (kagodo) island myok grounds, south korea | Case |
this case was part of the original cpr database developed in the 1980s by edella schlager and shui yan tang at indiana university. seaweed is the resource appropriated from the kagodo myok grounds. it is harvested from the area surrounding the isolated island of kagodo, off the southwest coast of korea. the people collectively own the seaweed grounds and one member from each household can access the grounds. the author discusses three fishing villages and the differences among them in the... | 09 Aug 2016 |
mathematical models in social ecological systems | Case |
this case is an umbrella to capture a range of models of ecological, social, social-ecological, and other natural systems (e.g. climate). in addition, there are several models whose main purpose is to demonstrate model visualization features related to a number of famous mathematical models including the lorenz model, the discrete logistic, and predator prey models. the lorenz model, probably the most famous of all simple models, is the first ever model of a chaotic dynamical system. chaos... | 09 Aug 2016 |
the tsembaga maring swidden agriculture and animal husbandry, simbai river valley, papua new guinea | Case |
tsembaga maring are a group of horticulturists who live in the highlands of new guinea. the main resource upon which they relied on is swidden agriculture. the tsembaga also practiced animal husbandry - the main domesticated animal being pigs. the tsembaga derived little energetic value from pigs. pigs did, however, play an important role in kaiko, an important cultural ritual practiced by the tsembaga people. kaiko is a 5-25 year long ritual cycle that is coupled with pig husbandry and warfare... | 09 Aug 2016 |
gwembe tonga land tenure, zambezi valley, zambia | Case |
arable land in this case, following ostrom (2005: 24), is both a common pool resource and a public good. bush land used for shifting cultivation is a common pool resource. rights to this land belong to whoever clears it. there are virtually no rules governing access, except acceptance into a community that claims the bush land as part of its territory. gaining acceptance is a simple matter of asking permission or just establishing residence in a place. river land is a common pool resource.... | 09 Aug 2016 |
matsigenka agriculture, manu biosphere reserve, peru | Case |
arable land among the matsigenka is a public good (ostrom 2005: 24). at base the matsigenka do not have institutions that regulate who can access arable land. anyone who has been incorporated into a community has the right to access arable land. the only requirement before opening up a new field is that people must state their intent. this practice decreases the probability of clearing a plot of land that someone else was planning to clear. in short, use of arable land does not affect the... | 09 Aug 2016 |